MANOIN INR BSE - 929, NSE - 927.8

Committed to sustainability
at the grassroots level

Palm oil and palm kernel oil find various applications across industries, including food, bakery and personal care. At Manorama, we are passionate about establishing and maintaining high standards in responsible palm oil sourcing. Towards this, we ensure 100% traceability in our sourcing processes to achieve comprehensive visibility into the sourcing nodes within our supply chain.

Our guiding principles

Forest and biodiversity preservation

We are committed to the protection of High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests and High Conservation Value (HCV) areas. Plus, we are absolutely intolerant of fire usage for planting preparations. The goal is to progressively reduce greenhouse gas emissions on existing plantations through smart and thoughtful measures.

Protection of peatlands

Protection of peat areas, regardless of depth is our top priority, when it comes to palm oil sourcing. We follow RSPO best management practices for peat on existing plantations, and work with various experts and stakeholders to explore progessive options for peat restoration where feasible.

No exploitation

We leave no stone unturned in respecting the rights of all our workers and ensuring strict adherence to ILO Fundamental Convention. Plus, we absolutely understand and respect the rights of the local people and indigenous communities to give or withhold their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) for the development of lands they own legally, communally or by custom. It is our prime duty to uphold responsible development of new land areas and prevent land grabbing. Moreover, we are bound by our commitment to promoting gender equality in sustainable production of palm oil, including but not limited to, access to resources, inputs, training and decision-making rights in rural areas.


We uphold and encourage 100% transparency in all our operations as well as in those of our suppliers and their third parties, while being stringently compliant with national laws and regulations. Moreover, we have devised comprehensive palm oil sourcing traceability systems to ensure that the raw materials are clearly traceable, from the mill to the fresh fruit bunch level.

Recognized by sustainability experts - RSPO-Certified

We collaborate with several local women cooperatives and self-help groups (SHGs) to sustainably source superior quality Sal seed through our dedicated supplier network from thousands of villages across Northern and Central India. We are committed to the upliftment of local people and, therefore, along with aiding their livelihoods by purchasing the seed kernel directly from them, we also train local residents and cooperatives in sustainable harvesting methods that help protect Sal trees.

Prosperity People Planet
Behave ethically and transparently. Respect community and human rights and deliver benefits. Protect, conserve and enhance ecosystems and the environment.
Operate legally and respect rights. Support smallholder inclusion.
Optimise productivity, efficiency, positive impacts and resilience. Respect workers’ rights and conditions.

No Deforestation

No New Planting
On Peat

No Use Of Fire

Protection Of
Labour And
Human Rights

Decent Living